What is this thing that has happened to us?
It’s a virus, yes. In and of itself it holds no moral brief.
But it is definitely more than a virus. Some believe it’s God’s way of bringing us to our senses.
Others that it is a standstill to see more clearly what we really need,. want.
Whatever it is, this ’thing’ has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could.
Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”,
trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture.
But the rupture exists.
And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves.
Nothing could be worse than a return to normality because if this God exists he must have made this perfect opportunity to let us at least rethink our supposedly ’normality’..
I have learned patience and everything what comes with that over the last years,
to hear the silence,
to feel the ultimate freedom,
believe me it was not always beautiful.
I always tried to take it with a smile, and so now,..
I sit passionately with it because nothing is more exciting than a perfect luring future ..
