After the corona virus, utopia looms ..

After the corona virus, utopia looms ..

As I called it before the ‘Fear virus’ this time I would like to give hope and some positivity to this ‘serious problem’ we are living in now.
Obviously, the law of energy only works as when there is negativity there must be positivity as well.
I am going to quote here and there the things I have read, the things which made me smile this morning and put my new confirmed thinking on this matter in a beautiful perspective.

“I think we should be very grateful for the virus because it might be the reason we survive as a species.”
This Corona virus can be seen as a sobering force that will temper our consumerist appetites and jet-setting habits.
We can emerge from the health crisis as more conscientious humans.

“We need to find new values, values of simple experience, of friendship and love,”
It might just turn the world around for the better.
The compassion towards each other will resonate into something much bigger which will effectively hits the environment,
the industries of all sorts, the general thinking process.

And whilst in this I hope we can withdraw from the ranking system which makes me very nervous and kills the spirit of our personal traits! 
We need to examine our greed, the need to have, to own and to obtain or purchase things we do not even need.

“We will see an arrest in the making of consumer goods”.
That is terrible and wonderful because we need to stop producing at such a pace.
We have to change our behavior to save the environment. “It’s almost as if the virus is an amazing grace for the planet.”

And then you will see after the coronavirus, utopia looms…

Indeed, Covid-19, the ‘Fear virus’ will turn into the ‘new Inventive virus’ and could open new avenues for innovation.
Being confined to our own towns or cities could foster a revival of cottage industries and an appreciation for locally made goods. 
There are so many possibilities…

“I’m strangely looking forward to it.”


Thank you Lidewij Edelkoort for your insight .

Black Swan

Black Swan

Living on an island like me which goes on an annual ‘lockdown’ I can feel a tiny bit how people must feel in the areas which are hit by Corona, I like to call it the ‘Fear virus’.
Here on Ibiza in Spain right in the centre of Europe, we experience that shops and restaurants are closed for approx 3 months,
a bit of a ‘cave time’ a wintersleep like the bears do, to regain strength.
People leave the island to follow the sun to return when the season begins again.
A normality here, for me still after almost 15 years a time to reflect with hiccups.
My cave time is filled with tickets of airplanes.
A challenge to live with what is here. It feels deserted and isolated.

I feel very far form society and have trouble following the hypes of the big cities.
I stop reading the news it only makes me feel further away.
I try to adjust and find the purpose like they do..

One thought came to mind in my cave time this winter and that is that
I think we can say with all honesty that we have a new definition :
The life before and after 2020.
We have entered a huge global wakeup call, not because we lash out and scream ‘how dare you’ but by really feeling this wave of destructive unclarity, powerless we let fear be the pandemic instead of the virus itself.
Fear was faster in speed than the virus. That makes you wonder why and if this is a broken system which was allowed or even doomed to fail.
We can call this a Black swan event, impossible to predict due to their extreme rarity yet have catastrophic consequences.
It is an event always alluring and important to acknowledge by us, humanity, and act accordingly once in it.
That doesn’t mean we need to live in fear but how do we approach the world in the face of uncertainty and still enjoy life?
It has been said that it takes 20 days of reducing connectivity to avert this serious problem. Which is already showing in parts of the world, they are living the serious problem.
But are we compassionate enough towards the rest of the world, strangers, far away countries we have never been and have no connection with to be willing to give up things for their good?,. are we compassionate enough to give up our connectivity to ’save’ the world from this catastrophe.
I think we have an immense wake up call, we are so connected, we are one world, this affects us all one way or the other, soon or later. We must approach this globally and find the courage to stay put for 20 days. In the end what is 20 days ? Mandela did 25 years!
You can do without your holiday, and yes we have internet so we can connect online and do business, your lover can dream about your sexy legs 20 days more, no we are not more important in this case than the higher good of planet earth.
It speaks so loud lately because we can’t seem to listen carefully..
first we had the fires in Australia and now Corona or ‘the Fear’ as I call it.
If planet earth had a voice it would say , :
‘I had enough you all need to change’ !
And I agree..
This is call on humanity from the inside,
a call on compassion,
a call on what is really important in life to you, to us, for the world itself .
It all resonates and comes down to the same summarise:

Planet earth is speaking loud and we need to act.
