Me and my Full moons ..
Yes we did it, survived another Full moon, 20th of June ! The summer solstice isn’t a rare event, a full moon even less so. (Even though some come with a lot of thunder and lightning, passion and emotions, as I have written before every full moon does its trick and has its purpose..) But this month they’re both special, and when they just so happen to occur on the same day, as they will this year. That’s once-in-a-lifetime special.It gives the most special light, Darren Almond’s lucky full moon night! The June moon was known as the Strawberry Moon to early Native American tribes, who measured time by things like the moon, rather than a grid on a piece of paper or an electronic device.
The full moon that happened now marked the season of strawberries, as it still does. I love that idea to live like that, measured by growing strawberries,  by ‘ready to be picked ‘  oranges, know which moon is coming because the hay has to be collected or the other way around, when the first snow falls..when Fireflies are giving the most or their sweet romantic light..I will later write about them!

Unfortunately we can not live measured by oranges or snowflakes , full moons do confuse me sometimes and not only on the day it selves ..

Lately I have been so busy I found myself this morning waking up on another day than expected , and no I am not the president of America so I realise compare to him I am not busy at all! ( god bless to who ever will be in the near future no picking strawberries there i suppose  !)  This morning I woke up in shock, I am late for the schoolrun I panicked . Openend my curtains saw the farmer working on the land in front of the house , that is not a Monday thing to do I heard myself think ? The man works normally in his Garage, he shouldn’t be here!,.Went downstairs my house was so silent no kids awake ( not that they wake up without my 10 times asking nicely Honey you have to really wake up now…)..openend the door smelled the Jasmin, made my coffee, noticed a slight hangover headache of my perfect Gin Tonic yesterday ,Checked my phone for your nice message, 7.30 , It is Sunday .

Really Lolo!’? …Sunday …

so I read..and come to this article of the names of full moons :

To those of us who live with the Gregorian calendar, it’s hard to imagine July as anything but July. But for many early Native American tribes, “July” would have been meaningless. These tribes kept tabs on time by observing the seasons and especially the celestial clock known as the moon. Rather than months as we know them, they watched the year pass in a series of moons, each one named for a predominate display of nature. How lovely to be so in touch with the planet that time could be marked in such a way;

January: Full Wolf Moon
Hungry wolf packs howling on the edge of Indian villages gave rise to the January moon name. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon.

February: Full Snow Moon
Tribes in the north and east named February’s moon after the predominate meteorological feature of the month: heavy snow. Some tribes also referred to this moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since hunting and harvest were both in short supply.

March: Full Worm Moon
Not as glamorous as some of the other moons, but thawed ground and the appearance of earthworm casts must have been a beautiful sight to those not accustomed to a supermarket with produce from South America to keep them fed during the winter. The more northern tribes called this moon the Full Crow Moon, for the return of cawing crows; or the Full Crust Moon, for the crust that forms on snow when it thaws and freezes. It was also known as the Full Sap Moon since this was the time to start tapping trees.

April: Full Pink Moon
The earliest widespread flowers of spring included herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which gave rise to the Full Pink Moon. Other names included Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Full Egg Moon, and for tribes along the coast, the Full Fish Moon for spawning shad.

May: Full Flower Moon
No jokes about Mayflowers here, it’s just that May and flowers do go hand in hand. Other names included the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Full Milk Moon.

June: Full Strawberry Moon
While most moons varied by name from tribe to tribe, June’s Full Strawberry Moon was universal amongst all of them. Strawberry harvest was relatively short and widely revered.

July: The Full Buck Moon
If the new antlers are pushing up through a buck’s forehead, it must be the time of the Full Buck Moon; though some tribes called this moon the Full Thunder Moon given that mid-summer is so rife with thunderstorms.

August: Full Sturgeon Moon
The moon that marked the phase when sturgeon were most readily caught was named for piscine abundance; although tribes that didn’t fish may have known it as the Full Red Moon for the tint the moon takes when viewed through warm-weather haze. It was also known as the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.

September: Full Corn Moon
The Full Corn Moon marked the time of year when corn is ready for harvest. We often still refer to the September full moon as the Harvest Moon – the full moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox, a moon that is so bright farmers could work by the light of it.

October: Full Hunter’s Moon
Time to start storing up for winter; the deer are fat and with fields freshly reaped, fox and other animals sneaking fallen grains could be easily spotted by hunters. With winter and its lean months looming, the Hunter’s Moon was given special honor and served as an important feast day. October’s moon was also known as the Full Blood Moon, or Full Sanguine Moon.

November: Full Beaver Moon
With swamps and waterways soon set to freeze, beavers were trapped now to ensure warm pelts to survive the winter. It was also sometimes known as the Full Frosty Moon.

December: The Full Cold Moon
Yep. Full cold. But December’s moon was also known as the Long Nights Moon. Not only are December nights wildly enduring, but because the midwinter moon has a high trajectory opposite a low sun, it remains in the sky for a long time. Not only do we have long nights, but so does the moon.