Red Dragon is your Conscious Self – who you are and who you are becoming.” “A picture says more than a thousand words”

When the painting is finished it shows its “real colours”

Here My Red Dragon popped up, A trip to google search to find the meaning of Dragon , Red Dragon and Red ,.

An interesting reflexion.

Red has a strong symbolic nature owing to its natural manifestation in blood and fire. Depending on the culture and time period, red may represent anger, aggression, high speed, danger, love, purity, joy, celebration, fertility, warmth, rebirth, death, wounds, or protection.

The colour red has also always been connected to magic and force.

The Red Dragon is a mythological entity which exists in all times and cultures. The Dragon can be viewed as a winged serpent ( can I remind you that in Genesis, the serpent is portrayed as a deceptive creature or trickster, who promotes as good what God had forbidden, and shows particular cunning in its deception.)From the perspective of the history of religions the serpent is a symbol of the earth and the underworld. The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. The word is derived from Latin serpens, a crawling animal or snake. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind and represent dual expression of good and evil.

Once dreamed about a snake or a serpent, I don’t have to tell you what it means , people who dreamed about snakes are in real need of the meaning behind it because the dream will leave a feeling behind that you simply have to investigate the meaning of it.

The eagle is a symbol of heaven. The dragon is a unity of these two fundamental principles. The Dragon is a picture of the Hermetic principle “That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below”.

Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. Furthermore it can mean eternity and continual renewal of life. It can represent sexual desire and passion, which goes perfectly together with the colour red.

In China the dragon is a symbol of Tao, that which is beyond all terms and all polarities (Yin and Yang) but also is the force behind all. The Dragon represents the unknown and the hidden energy in men and in nature. The word dragon comes from the Greek verb derkein which means “to see”. The Dragon is the principle of clear seeing: the ability to see things in a new light as they really are, beyond all illusions. A confirmation of the unconsciousness . A confirmation , hey what I saw was right, I am not mistaken.

For this reason the dragon has great wisdom and power in the myths. The wisdom of the dragon is symbolized by the treasure it guards or the pearl that the dragon carries in his mouth. To find this wisdom and knowledge man must search in her inner aspects and in the unknown.

In Yoga the dragon is called the Kundalini, the force that is hidden inside man. The Draconian path strives to make this unconscious force and knowledge conscious. “A picture says more than a thousand words” and the symbol of the dragon and the myths about it carries information about how the unconscious can become conscious and how man can evolve..

The red dragon is a symbol of primal forces that the magician can awake and use in her magical work. In the Bible the red dragon is connected to Satan and the fallen angels. These are mythologically giving man the knowledge and the force to reach divinity.

So we have the earth, the underworld and the heavens all wrapped up in one painting, is there more ?,.

All symbols have meanings they are vibrations of the frequencies which shapes our destiny .

Well little Red Dragon I wonder which wall you will enrich with your powers .