Yesterdays full moon (4th of april) was a big important one for those who believe in the power of full moons , living on a loca island like I do we tend to think that we are effected by it, ( I know I am, I never sleep when there is a full moon and with me all the birds sheep dogs and cats as well, one big Zoo awake! ), also because of the simple fact that we have practically no clouds, so it is like the light stays on in the night and there is no way denying the moon is there, big round full and very light pfff!! This full moon poses a challenge, brings change as an adventure. Change is an opportunity for growth, and it’s our duty as human beings to continue evolving!! It’s a total lunar eclipse, which sweeps in and reshuffles life as we know it. Eclipses are known for prompting sudden changes, as in a hurry, no minute to waste kind of feeling, turning potential energy into kinetic, and revealing our “shadow” natures.

By showing our true selves and so embracing our vulnerabilities, it is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy, the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light, in other words our ability to be fully happy, yes that sounds all very hazy I know but think about it: Eclipses, quite literally, reveal shadows. The Sun, Earth, and moon all assemble into a straight line to put on this celestial light show for us to behold. On the 4th, the Earth’s shadow will paint the full moon reddish-brown for a brief window of time, earning it the ominous “Blood Moon” signature.We sometimes have to see the darkness to realise how good life can be as well. I have learned that all is energy, like a simple example a flashlight needs two batteries, one is up +and one is down -, in life it is the same you need negativity to lead or get you into the positive flow again (and vice versa but I love to see things go the positive way )! This full moon is angling for peace, love, and harmony as the final solution. Well bring it on I would say! Happy easter Yemenya here I come!



TIME is a funny thing and the question is does time exists at all!?. That seems a crazy question, though, even Einstein said it. We remember the past, but can’t affect it; we can try to predict and affect the future, but can’t recall it. Physical laws distinguish past from future. Perhaps the nature of time is telling us something about the nature of truth. If you truly believed that the past, future, and present all exist in just the same way, as in the Unitary Block view, would it change your attitude toward life or death, or decisions?I love this picture if i can speak in the way i know the definition of time it gives me a very peaceful feeling as if this man has all the ¨time¨on his hands.