I Like!

I Like!

It is something that I am missing, it might be the urge to travel, the feeling which comes with the thought of risking to miss your flight, the temptation of the unknown , the thin line which you so want to cross like it is pulling you , a little devil on your shoulder whispering to challenge the dare . I love these moments it makes you feel alive, you can cross borders and be proud of your self you did that, moments in life where you look back and think God bless I got that, I did that .But all memories fade and the little voice starts to whisper again. There is a certain extent to the satisfaction of the brain versus the memory made a long time ago , it just simply needs updating now and then. Some pictures make me act , react, wake up, challenge me to the next step.



Sturgeon Moon

Sturgeon Moon

This august moon is the “Moon When All Things Ripen”

Little ‘facts’ on the full moon :

Cut your hair with the full moon it will grow faster and stronger.
Clothes washed for the first time in the full Moon will not last long.
If you glimpse the new Moon over your right shoulder, you will have good luck.
To have a project prosper, start it during the new Moon.
Babies born a day after the full Moon enjoy success and endurance.