Another beautiful Ibiza

Another beautiful Ibiza

Love this garden with the amazing view, it is another side of Ibiza, nothing hip or trendy just good old hedges and buxus, makes me a bit homesick.

Jeroen Oerlemans,. the story will be told,.again and again

Jeroen Oerlemans,. the story will be told,.again and again

You will not be forgotten .

May you rest in peace my friend.

Whilst writing my story ‘at the wrong place at the wrong time’ I now find out you have been on the wrong place at the wrong time at the time of my writing.

But knowing you, you were not on the wrong place you were probably spot on, at the right place to capture the right moment for the rest of the world to see. You were determined to write the story what was necessary to bring to the people at home.

This time you payed the highest price.

We had the privilege to see through your eyes , through your camera what was going on in this world even if it were not the things we like to see, it was the real world. The wrong side of the coin.

You were kidnapped before with John Cantlie your friend, who is (now and still) again kept by IS since 2012. Politely you pleaded for his release. John, the British journalist who has been held hostage by jihadis since 2012, is used now as a journalist and exploited by Isis in an attempt to lend credibility to propaganda films.

One of the famous words of John Cantlie ‘I am a prisoner, that I cannot deny. But seeing as I’ve been abandoned by my government and my fate now lies in the hand of the Islamic State I have nothing to lose. Maybe I will live and maybe I will die, but I want to take this opportunity to convey some facts that you can verify, facts that if you contemplate might help in preserving lives.

Luck was on your side and you could continue to spread the stories , the beautiful pictures .

And now you are shot near Za’afaran in Sirte Libya by an IS sniper.

A very big loss, I hope this was worth it , it must be.

Confused, shocked, deeply touched , I stay


Conspiracy Files: Who shot down MH17?

Conspiracy Files: Who shot down MH17?

“The wrong plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Imagine that you lost your loved one on the plane crash MH17 and the reason you get is not more than “The wrong plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Terrible horrible that is not an answer , that makes you shiver, that makes you mad, frustrated and everything else. I will not get to all the details, to describe this the easiest way is in my opinion another endless dispute between countries…which ends in misery for the ‘not involved ‘.

Why I started to read the theories is because of this picture, it caught immediately my attention.
A field full of men looking for rest pieces of the crash , searching for personal stuff , everything which will be of any clue to solve the mystery or to give to the people left behind.

My picture (click on to see the other pictures) underneath in black and white is the picture I sold on ArtBasel Basel, the one under the B&W is the field I was in making pictures to get finally to the black and white one.

The field where I was standing was in a total different country but it looks so similar! The world up side down. A moment to realise in which heaven I was making pictures. But also the moment where in a spilt second you can find men looking for rests of a plane crash….

My field where only little bees were flying that day, birds were playing hide and seek , the absurd silence of Ibiza hay field.The click clack of my camera resonated in the silence.

A field so similar to the field above, a field without a tragedy. No men walking, searching,.
Look at the picture with the men searching, where the last 4 could be easily the four trees on my picture , squeeze your will see what I mean .

‘What is your point Lolo’? I hear you think! ,.I don’t know! ,

A realisation that my life is wonderful ?,

That things sometimes can look so similar but are so far apart that the difference should be black and white if you actually have to describe it . So basically things are not always what they seem!
That we really have to enjoy today and not thinking that tomorrow will be better because today already is !