


It feels like ages ago that I signed in for Miami.

Now 3 more weeks to go , an explosion of inspiration further , different style is born again.

“An artist has one personal to be recognised line of work”

I can’t help it !,.I don’t fit that profile ,.
We live in a world where we want, get ,change ,invent ,reinvent ,use and recycle.
A world where we meet new people ,cherish the old ones, go to new venues , smell new perfumes , use different colours of makeup , see beautiful people, buy new shoes , get rid of the old.

Get back to the campo ,run up and down the mountains, drink 1.30 euro coffee, mediate and jump airplane again.

Fashion, Interiors, design and Art have to keep on moving and changing in order to keep it interesting. We have to keep on wanting, greed is our biggest enemy but a very lovely one, the one you always find excuses for to stay friends with.

Even though the signature can change the handwriting stays the same .
My style is ‘Me’ whatever the subject is, the line of work is ‘Me’ because I made it , fascinated, inspired and guided by this life I am living.

I am super spoiled and very aware of how I always manage to get to the next step. .


It is Me