Venus spent her last Christmas in Scorpio, that means that inspiration really strikes on Christmas Day this year. The December 25 full moon in Cancer (a supermoon) shines its light on the expansive, optimistic side of life. It is about the bigger picture of our lives and our places in the world, too. Around this day, you may decide to travel, find that a grand idea of something that will broaden your horizons in a thrilling way. Overall, you’re hearing the whispers of your life’s calling,..heed them.

The celebration of the nativity of Jesus Christ will be extra special and brighter this year—the perfect time for children to “spot” Santa Claus in the sky on Christmas night, if the myth were to be believed.

A rare full moon will rise in the sky on Christmas Day this year—the first time that such a rare astronomical event will be witnessed since 1977, according to ABC News, citing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

 This uncommon Christmas full moon will reportedly be at its peak at 11:12 UTC or 6:11 a.m. ET on Dec. 25, 2015.

Citing The Weather Network, the International Business Times said spectators should face the western horizon on Christmas Day to be able to see the Christmas Full Moon.

If you miss this rare astronomical display, you would have to wait 19 more years—in 2034—for you to see it.

In addition to these, the Earth’s satellite will take a long trip across the sky starting Christmas evening, giving spectators more opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the full moon.

The moon will also be at a high trajectory across the sky because it’s opposite a low sun.

The full moon every December is usually called the “cold moon” because of the fact that it is the month when the winter cold is experienced. Sometimes, it is even called Full Cold Moon, Full Long Nights Moon or the Moon before Yule.


The past 12 months have been marked by some spectacular lunar events.

In March Britain had the most spectacular solar eclipse since 1999. However, the event was marred for sky watchers by cloud in many parts of the country.

There were some reports of birds “going crazy”, having been disoriented by the lack of light.

On September 28 there was a blood moon, a phenomenon created when the moon passes into the earth’s shadow, creating a reddish tinge.
