
With limited text space, we can say more with a simple icon, why and since when did we enter this life of ¨Time is money¨ idea.

If you read back my blog about that there is no time indication, ´we human beings created time´, coming from that point of view why can’t we make ¨time¨ to write a beautiful letter or text where you describe your deepest emotions and feelings you have for a person or a subject, why don’t we take the time to simply dive deeper into the meaning of the words we put on paper to get the message over. If we go back three centuries ago, we were fed the short’nin’ bread of contraction; won’t, don’t, I’m, you’re, this made the apostrophe the king of saving time.

Then the period came of chuckle and snort blended into chortlebreakfast and lunch fused into brunch . Electronic communication has whisked us into a third phase of compression: the Age of Shortspeak. As we listen and watch replays of multicasts those bor-r-ing four-second pauses are edited out. Immaculate, no one makes mistakes anymore! Humanizing uh, er, ah, um moments of meaningless vamping are pitilessly erased. We are flawless?! We all seemed to be highly intelligent and speak without pauses to think what we are actually saying? Is that true? Or are we just not saying anymore what we really want to say afraid to be judged, (unless you just blurt out things without thinking like i did last week,,.the heart says what it wants!) . As long as it looks good?.As a result, “live” talk — conversation between warm-bodied humans in real time — seems ponderous, heavy, awkward, in need of the smoothing talcum of speed.

The acceleration of shortspeak forces us to confront ourselves to be so clever how we get the message over with as less words as possible, very impersonal and impossible I would say but necessary in these days. I have no objection to time- and space-saving signals that convey instant instruction: red and green lights are better than the words “stop” and “go”; a skull and crossbones is a visual reminder not to drink or eat the product. As I am an artist I am very visual and see absolutely the benefits of instant introduction and proven is that we get a specific brain activity when we are confronted with those introductions, we immediately understand the message our brain is giving us. As a result we react.

Lets see what the famous emotions icons are doing, I call it the “smiley language”.My friends know that I don’t understand that language, uhm.,,dahh,. or I don’t want to know,.they still use it when they write messages, I let them, it is a free world, even if I don’t understand the real meaning of their message I reply, polite,,,,with words! Honestly I think, read,.;I THINK it is just not sexy or intelligent at all!
Researchers found that `emoticons` ( there we go again -emotions icons-) have the potential to increase the overall meaning of a message. In other words, positive messages were viewed as more positive, and negative messages were viewed as more negative. For example if you were to receive a message that said ‘Today was nice.’ As opposed to ‘Today was nice :)’, the level of appreciation would decrease because no actual emotion is being relayed to the receptor of the message.
By this understanding, emoticons have become more influential in text based communication than actual punctuation.The trouble is that the stylised drawings of iconography are threatening to take over the precise communication of words.These icons also have the potential to be delusive allowing the user of the emoticon to portray an emotion that he may not feel. Studies say that touched on the fact that emoticons are in fact deliberate whereas emotions are not. Emoticons could be used as an easy manipulator.
If you write a message saying I like you and add a smiley, I simply understand , I like you but i am only kidding