


Heart breaking picture which put you immediately back to zero, to where it all starts, to all the most important things in life which we take way to much and easy for granted. This little girl lost her mother and draw her on the poor streets in her country to lie with her again.

Love little things ..

I searched for an understandable feedback on the deep mother love what makes us partly who we are and how we react on things, especially matters of the heart. I found the most important things to a child in relationship to the mother. The father has of course  his own importance to the child but in this case I searched for the mother role.

(Excerpted from the book The Mom Factor by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend)

As little people, we experience the world as dangerous. We feel alone. We don’t have love inside, we have overwhelming needs and feelings. This is painful. You can see this pain on the face of any infant who needs to be picked up or of the child who is terrified of something in her imagination. Safety can only be found in the mother or in whoever is providing the mothering. A mother’s nurture is fuel for the soul.

Mothers, through their love and care, make us feel wanted, which transfers into later feelings of worth and confidence in relationships. Apparently countless people feel “unlovable” or “unwanted,” when in reality lots of people love and adore them. It’s obvious that they have failed to receive the right love and care.

The sense of feeling wanted and loved is not an intellectual exercise that we can do for ourselves. It comes through the experience of being involved into relationship with another person. You may know intellectually that you are loved, but if you never felt loved by your Phantom Mom, your feelings won’t match up with what you know intellectually. When we experience being consistently wanted early in life, we move easily into other relational settings later, never wondering if we belong or not.  If  a mother or the surrogate mother provides safety, nurture, trustworthiness, belonging, and lovability, then the child is on his way to healthy development.

Emotional development comes not only from the mother’s investment in the child but also from the child’s investment in the mother. A mother provides someone for the child to love – she is a good “object of love.” In order to develop emotionally, physically, intellectually, and socially, we need not only be loved but to love. Love fills us up, and colors our outlook on others and the world in which we live, so that we view life with hope and optimism. We have a basic need to love people, and that requires someone to love. Lots of love in “the Mom factor”, as apparently very needed and welcome !

I hope this little girl will find someone to love and who will love her and color her life and so her drawings again.

(foto by 9Gag.com)

Little things ,