Look at the heart in the middle ! ….Love is in the shades or better said in the sun! Once the tallest building in the world ., build for the Exposition Universelle of 1889. Initially the Parisians were not too happy with the ‘creation’ ‘the iron monster ‘and had the intention to tear it down after a few years.. You think that the Architects realized that with the right angle and the right sunlight they created a -heart formed shade shape- . You think that those people walking right in the core of the heart felt something absolutely special that moment the sun was playing with their ‘faith’ ., they must have swipe please ! #truebeliever  #fairytales #faith #paris #needleinmyarm #theworldartists #tourdeeiffel #heart #love #racingwithgods #amsterdam #bucketliststudios #art #worldstar #artwork #architecture #architecturaldigest #youarecool #thankyouagain #rockon #craving #ibiza IMG_8222 IMG_1265